Java JVM , JRE and JDK in Java - thejavaconceptspart

Java JVM , JRE and JDK in Java - thejavaconceptspart

Java JVM, JRE and JDK

JVM is an abstract Machine and It Doesn't exist physical and JRE contains set of library and other files and JDK develop Java applications and Applets..

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

  1. JVM is an abstract machine that doesn't exist physically
  2. Provides runtime environment to drive the java code or application
  3. It compiles the java java code into bytecode
  4. It is platform dependent

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

  1. Java Runtime Environment within which the JVM runs
  2. It contains a set of library + other files that jvm uses at runtime
  3. It is also called RTE

Java Development Kit (JDK)

  1. JDK is a software development environment which is used to develop Java Applications and Applets
  2. It contains Development Tools and JRE
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