Object Oriented Approach – Feature of object oriented programming - Learn Java - The Java Concepts Part

 Why Object Oriented Approach ?

 A major factor in the invention of object oriented approach was to overcome some of the problems encountered with the procedural approach. In OOP, data is treated as a critical element and it is not allowed to flow freely. OOP bounds data closely with the functions that operate on it and protects it from accidental modification from outside world. OOP allows decomposition of a problem into a number of èntities called objects and then builds data and functions around these objects. A major advantage of OOP is code reusability.

 Some important features of object oriented programming are as follows : 

1. Emphasis is on data rather than procedure.

 2. Programs are divided into several objects.

 3. Data is hidden and can not be accessed by external functions.

4. Objects can communicate with each other through functions. 

5. New data and functions can be easily added whenever necessary.

6. It follows the bottom-up approach.

Learn Java – The Java Concepts 

Relative topics–

Introduction Structured Vs Object Oriented Programming 

Top-Down and Bottom-up Approaches

Advantages of top-down programming 

Disadvantages of top-down programming

Why Object Oriented Approach and Features of object oriented programming ? 


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