
Java Naming Conventions - thejavaconceptspart

Java Naming Conventions Java Naming Conventions Java is strictly a case sensitive programming language, where is Java applications there is a separate Recognization for lower case letters and for Upper case letters. To use lower case letters and Upper case letters in Java applications, Java has given a set of conventions All classes names, abstract classes names, interface names must be started with upper case letters and the sub sequent letters must also be upper case letters Ex: String, StringBuffer, InputStreamReader All Java variables names must be started with lower case letters buts the subsequent symbols must be Upper case letters Example: in, out, err, pageContext, bodyContent All the Java method names must be started with lower case letters but the subsequent Symbols must be Upper Case letters.

Java & Java Uses - thejavaconceptsparts

Java Java is an object-oriented programming language that produces software for multiple platforms. When a programmer writes a Java application, the compiled code (known as bytecode) runs on most operating systems (OS), including Windows, Linux and Mac OS)  Java Uses   Java is used as the server-side language for most back-end development projects, including those involving big data and Android development. Java is also commonly used for desktop computing, other mobile computing, games, and numerical computing. Related Link's🔗 Define Java enumeration (enum)  Declaration of enum in java Java & Java Uses Important points of enum ------------------------------------------- Others Related Link 🔗 Introduction Structured Vs Object Oriented Programming   Top-Down and Bottom-up Approaches Advantages of top-down programming  Disadvantages of top-down programming Why Object Oriented Approach and Features of object oriented programming ? 

declaration of enum in java - the java concepts

Declaration of enum in java :- (1) Enums declaration can be done outside a class not inside a method.         -----------------------------------------                 👇Click here👇           Complete Java tutorials        ------------------------------------------ (2) The first line inside the enum should be a list of constants and then other things like methods, variables and constructors (3) According to Java naming convention, it is recommended that we name constant with all capital letters.  Example:—     enum Color           {             RED, GREEN, BLUE;            }        public class Test            {         //Driver methods       public static void main (String[ ]args)            }        Color c1=Color.RED;       System.out.println(c1) ;      }      } Output:— RED ------------------------------------------ Related Link's🔗 Define Java enumeration (enum)  Declaration of enum in java Java and Java Uses Important points of enum -----------------------------------

enum in java - the java concepts

Enum in java:– An enum is a special "class" that represents a group of constant ( Unchangeable variable like final variable)       To create enum, use the enum keywords (instead of a class or interface), and separate the constants with a comma Note that they should be in uppercase letters: Enumeration serve the purpose of representing a group of named constants in a programming language.       Enums are used when we know all possible value at compile time, such as a choice on a menu, rounding modes, command line flag, etc. It is not necessary that the set of constants in an enums type stay fixed for all.                  enums are represented using enums data type. Java enums are more powerful than C/C++ enums. In Java we can also add variable, methods and constructors to it. The main objective of enum is to define our data types ( Enumerated Data types ) RELATED LINKS🔗 DECLARATION OF ENUM IN JAVA IMPORTANT POINT OF ENUM READ MORE---THE JAVA CONCEPTS

Advantages of Object Oriented Programming - Learn Java - The Java Concepts

  Advantages of OOP:  Object-Oriented Programming have the following advantages over conventional procedural and other approaches :  1. OOP provides a clear modular structure for programs. This makes it good for defining abstract data types where implementation details are hidden and clear interfaces are defined.  2. OOP makes it easy to maintain and modify existing code as new objects can be created with small changes to existing ones. 3. OOP provides a good framework for code libraries where software components can be easily taken and modified by the programmer. This is particularly useful for developing graphical user interfaces applications. Learn Java - The Java concepts Relative Search:- Introduction Structured Vs Object Oriented Programming   Top-Down and Bottom-up Approaches Advantages of top-down programming  Disadvantages of top-down programming Why Object Oriented Approach and Features of object oriented programming ?  Advantages of Object Oriented Programming  

Object Oriented Approach – Feature of object oriented programming - Learn Java - The Java Concepts Part

  Why Object Oriented Approach ?  A major factor in the invention of object oriented approach was to overcome some of the problems encountered with the procedural approach. In OOP, data is treated as a critical element and it is not allowed to flow freely. OOP bounds data closely with the functions that operate on it and protects it from accidental modification from outside world. OOP allows decomposition of a problem into a number of èntities called objects and then builds data and functions around these objects. A major advantage of OOP is code reusability.   Some important features of object oriented programming are as follows :  1. Emphasis is on data rather than procedure.  2. Programs are divided into several objects.  3. Data is hidden and can not be accessed by external functions. 4. Objects can communicate with each other through functions.  5. New data and functions can be easily added whenever necessary. 6. It follows the bottom-up approach. Learn Java – The Java Concepts 

Advantage and Disadvantages of Top-down Programming - Learn Java - The Java Concepts Part

  Advantages of top-down programming : Programming team stays focused on the goal.  Everyone knows his or her job.  By the time the programming starts there are no questions.  Code is easier to follow, since it is written methodically and with purpose.  Disadvantages of top-down programming: Top-down approach may complicate testing, since nothing executable will exist until the end of the project.  You have to provide a clear goal description in advance because all decisions depend on it. Learn Java — The Java Concepts Relative topics — Introduction Structured Vs Object Oriented Programming   Top-Down and Bottom-up Approaches Advantages of top-down programming  Disadvantages of top-down programming Why Object Oriented Approach and Features of object oriented programming ?