
Showing posts from April, 2022

Java Encapsulation and Get or Set Methods - thejavaconceptspart

Java Encapsulation and Get or Set Methods - thejavaconceptspart Java Encapsulation The meaning of Encapsulation is to make sure that "sensitive data" is hidden from users. To achieve this you must. Declare class variables/attributes as private. Provide public get and set methods to access and update the volume of a private variable. Get and Set Methods The Get Methods returns the variable value get and set method sets the value. Other Related Search Java Naming Conventions Wrapper Class in Java String is Immutable in Java Java and Java Uses Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Java Development Kit (JDK) Java Buzzword Declaration of enum in java Advantage of OOPS JRE,JVM and JDK Object Oriented Approach Java structure Vs OOP Please Leave a Comment Below⬇